Can we see the edge of the universe and, if so, what`s there?
answers about the universe
Are there really answers to the universe and such things as philosophy? Sponsor Messages. Are there really answers to the universe and such things as philosophy? I`ve certainly not found sensible answers to this. I couldn`t& ...
window.google_analytics_uacct = `UA-accountnumber-propertyindex`; var google_adnum = 0; /* only insert this line for your first ad unit */ function google_ad_request_done(google_ads) { var domain = ``; var domainParts& ...
2. If you were standing perfectly still somewhere in the Universe, how fast would you be travelling through time? (I want an exact answer please.) 3. How long does it take for a prayer to reach God? 4. How far does that prayer& ...
Can we see the edge of the universe and, if so, what`s there?
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